Maailma Vaade
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Earlier publications
Editor-in-chief column,
January / 2012
George Friedman,
The Next 100 Years
The Estonian parliament’s role in shaping foreign policy,
Interview with PhD Mart Nutt
A reflection on basic principles and ideas of christian democracy and conservatism. The wider context,
Steven Van Hecke
Observations on Iranian cultural history and ideology,
Vladimir Sazonov
“Arab summer” in Jordan,
Toomas Pallo
Population growth in North Africa and Turkey,
Vootele Hansen
China: punching above its weight,
Mart Helme
The worldview and values of the successful Chinese,
Krista Reinhold
Finland’s pivotal presidential election of 2012,
Henn Põlluaas
Lessons Learnt,
The Finnish presidential elections – surprises this way and that
A velvety week in Georgeland,
Aimar Altosaar
Pictures with comments,
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