Maailma Vaade
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Earlier publications
Can oil lead to a hangover?,
Split-second problems and solutions,
Tunne Kelam
Putting arms control to work for security,
Jana Vanamölder
Want peace? Prepare for war,
Vladimir Juškin
Russia and China’s peculiar relations and cooperation,
Juhan Värk
Is smaller more efficient? Consequences of defence spending cuts in Finland,
Leo Kunnas
Will Russia’’s new mistral-class amphibious ships and helicopter carriers change the balance of power in the Baltic Sea region?,
Hanno Ojalo
Historic memorandum by the Estonian resistance to the UN General Assembly,
Tunne Kelam
To the General Assembly of the United Nations Organisation,
October 24, 1972
Iran - a Middle Eastern power to be reckoned with,
Vladimir Sazonov
Stalin’s plans for war and the Red Army’s collapse in summer 1941,
Mark Solonin
November 2012,
Spain: bad debts or bad politics?,
Elina Viilup, Joan Marc Simon
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